Edina Education Fund - Annual "Show & Tell" Luncheon

The Edina Education Fund is yet another avenue in which this community sets itself apart and demonstrates its commitment to supporting Edina Public Schools through community involvement.  For the second consecutive year, REFINED was fortunate to be able to attend the Annual “Show and Tell" Luncheon, hosted by the Edina Education Fund on February 6th, 2012.  We were pleased to be able to make a charitable donation to support this great organization help launch three new initiatives and fund an impressive variety of teacher-authored grants.   Attended by over 400 supporters, the event raised over $95,000 in one hour!   Its days like these that we are reminded why we are so proud to be part of the Edina Community. Check out the Edina Ed Fund video shown at the luncheon to learn more about this great organization!http://www.edinaedfund.com/about_movie.html