Creating a Living Room Just Right for You: Living Room Design Inspiration | REFINED Homes Edina MN

A living room is just that... a space in which you enjoy living out your life.  Which means your living room should reflect you, and how you use your home.Consider these questions if you're thinking about building a home, or remodeling your own living room (& enjoy these featured REFINED living rooms as well!):REFINED Home Builder Edina MN: Featured Living RoomWhat architectural details will give your home the ambiance you want?  Adding crown moulding, a vaulted ceiling, skylights, sliding barn doors, or unique lighting fixtures are a big part of what gives a living room its style, even before the decor has been brought in.  Consider these factors as you're building or remodeling your home.REFINED Home Builder Edina MN: Featured Living RoomWhat do you want the living room to be used for?  Entertaining, reading, watching TV, or enjoying your family are all common living room activities.  Make this your starting point as you decide how to design the room, and as you select furniture.  A room for entertaining may have more seating and more side tables for instance, whereas a room intended more for reading and lounging will make space for a bookcase.REFINED Home Builder Edina MN: Featured Living RoomWhat do you want the focal point of the room to be?  Is it the TV?  The fireplace?  An art piece?  Since you've already spent time thinking about what the room will be used for, select a focal point that aligns with that.  Then determine your decor and layout around this.REFINED Home Builder Edina MN: Featured Living RoomDo you want the room to have a relaxing vibe or a more formal feel?  Select furniture pieces (& architectural elements) that reflect this, and they'll impact your room in a big way.  Even your use of accessories can impact how welcoming or utilitarian your room feels.REFINED Home Builder Edina MN: Featured Living RoomAt REFINED, understanding how you plan to use your home -- and how you want it to look and feel -- are intrical parts of our design process.  Each home building experience is custom tailored to you, from the structure to the final decor.  Interested in building or remodeling a home in the Edina or Minneapolis area?  Connect with us here at REFINED or take a peak at our Available Homes.