Celebrating the Winter Months with a Danish Twist


Here in Minnesota, we have much in common with the people of Denmark —  cold, long winters.  Yet the Danish people have been declared the happiest people in the world!  They credit this with the Danish art of “hygge” (pronounced hoo-ga) — their way of celebrating and embracing the winter months. So we gave some thought as to how we could celebrate winter right here in Edina as well…

So what does hygge really involve?  Roughly translated, it refers to coziness, being with family and friends, celebrating light, and having a good time.  Simply making time to relax would be another way to put it.

Here are a few great ideas for embracing winter and bringing a sense of hygge right here to Minnesota:


Enjoy the Outdoors: Sure it’s cold out, but that’s the point.  Celebrate the unique seasonal weather and you’ll find joy in it, rather than annoyance.  Play a game of pond hockey with the family, go cross country skiing, take a walk and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors.  Or do something momentarily childish, like throwing a snowball or building a snowman — you’ll have a hard time not smiling.

Be with Friends and Family:  We get busy, and we often forget we need to take more time to be social.  To enjoy the company of those we care about.  It doesn’t have to be grand or dramatic.  The hygge philosophy says keep it simple — light some candles, put out some delicious appetizers or desserts, and enjoy some good conversation.


Seek Warmth & Light: Sure we layer more in the winter and use a blanket on the sofa while watching TV, but how intentional are we about celebrating these cozy moments?  Drink a hot beverage and be thankful (yep, thankful) for the cold weather.  Intentionally set aside time to curl up in a blanket and read a book - with a smile on your face and no guilt.  Embrace the darker evenings by dimming the lights and taking a candlelight bath.  Make a big deal out of hot cocoa with the kids or storytime under that soft comforter.  All of these winter-friendly moments may bring you more joy than you think when you take the time to celebrate them!

These ideas might seem simple, but truthfully, how often are we making them happen?  In the Danish culture, hygge isn’t a spare thing, something to fit in, it’s a way of life.  With a few small steps and a change of heart, we might just be able to find our inner hygge too.


Here’s to winter in Minnesota — let’s celebrate it!

REFINED is a home building and remodeling company located in Edina, MN.  Our goal is to help you “make room for more” — more of life’s joyful moments, no matter the season!  To see what it’s like to curl up inside a REFINED home, check out more of our cozy spaces here.