Building Room for More: Great Outdoors


Featured image courtesy of Heart of Life Photography

Summer has finally arrived! With its advent comes relaxed family routines, the long-awaited end of the school year, and lots of time spent lounging outside. We know your yard is more than just the plot of land your home rests on. It's where you experience the outdoors together - a place to build lasting family memories. The back yard, front porch, or bonfire pit are where family traditions are made and the seeds of childhood nostalgia are sown.

The yard is where the little girl who spent her summers running through the sprinkler will host her graduation open house. It's a spot where the spunky boy playing catch with his Dad will gather around the bonfire pit with the varsity team. A place where your husband grills his world-famous (to your family at least) burgers, while you sip lemonade and chat with the next-door neighbors.

At REFINED, we know how treasured family time is, which is why we tailor every home we build to your lifestyle. Whether you need contained space for the dog to run freely, a well-designed patio for entertaining friends with style, or a poolside oasis to soak up the summer sun - your backyard dreams are our guide. We build homes with room for more great outdoors, creating spaces your family will grow into for years to come, and leaving you with room for making more memories

.Take a peek below at a few of our favorite outdoor home designs:
