School's in Session: Family-Friendly Spaces


Crunchy leaves underfoot, a fresh box of crayons, steaming cinnamon-scented drinks, and cozy extra layers of clothing; the arrival of fall ushers in a host of warm traditions. Of course, along with all of this seasonal nostalgia and memory-making opportunity comes the return of schedules, activities, and schoolwork.

Transitioning from the care-free days of summer vacation to the structure of school is a challenge for every family. No matter how thorough your plans may be, finding a comfortable routine takes time and patience. And remember, your little ones are probably just as overwhelmed as you are, if not more. They have a whole new classroom world to navigate!

One method that we've found to ease the back to school stress (besides extra family movie nights and after school cookies)? Get everything as settled as you can on the homefront before everyone starts their new schedule. Stock the home office or study spot with homework supplies, clean out the mudroom cubbies and get each kid's room ready for the bedtime routine.

Searching for a little school year inspiration or motivation to get organized? Take a look at some of our favorite family-friendly spaces below - they'll make you feel ready, and dare we say even excited, to tackle your fall to-do list!
