A Relaxing Night In


January in the Midwest isn't the reason why people live here. Minnesota isn't exactly known as a mid-winter vacation destination, unless you're all about sub-zero temps, slushy streets, and limited daylight.

So, how do we make the most of the long winter evenings? What can we do to encourage meaningful family time instead of settling for another night spent on our devices or the next Netflix binge?

If you're fighting cabin fever and are tired of the same old routine, read our ideas for enjoying a relaxing evening in. And please, share your own brilliant plans below - we'd love to hear them!


Family Cookoff
If cooking shows are your family's jam, then why not get in on the fun yourselves? Create a few teams and compete to make the best homemade pizza combinations, divide up an elaborate four-course meal among the entire family, find a challenging new recipe to make with your favorite home chef, or ask the kids what dishes they'd like to learn to cook.


Spa Night
Spa time may be more of a grown-up's idea of relaxing, but honestly, who doesn't love a little pampering? Take turns giving each other backrubs, foot massages, painting nails, playing with hair, wearing face masks, or soaking in a warm bath. Be sure to set the scene with low lighting, candles, scented essential oils, and fun reading material!


Fancy Movie Premiere
We're not talking about an ordinary family movie night; this should be an all-out elegant premiere. Write or print invites to pass out to the family, tell everyone to dress their best and have them walk the red carpet, and set up a concession stand with everyone's favorite sweet and savory snacks. Bonus points if you pick a new movie that no one in the fam has seen yet!


Have a Craft Party
Pick a comfortable spot to get cozy and maybe a little messy, and start making stuff! Stock up on painting supplies or kids and adult coloring books, learn to knit or sew, or build old-school model airplanes or clay monsters. It doesn't matter what projects you pick, it's just about spending time being creative and learning together.