Reflecting on 2018 | Happy Holidays and Happy New Year


As we approach the new year, we can't help but reflect on 2018. It's been a busy year filled with many fun and meaningful highlights for our team! From The Parade of Homes to launching our Trees from REFINED program to building and remodeling beautiful client homes, 2018 was a year we won't soon forget.

Of course, we know no project we undertake would be possible without help. We're deeply appreciative of the many colleagues, partners, friends, and supporters who enable us to carry out our work. We'd also be nowhere without our dear clients. We're so grateful for each of you and wish you all a warm holiday season and a prosperous 2019.

Want a brief overview of our 2018 highlights? Scroll below for a few of our favorite projects and memories!

Introducing Trees from REFINED

Spring Parade of Homes: Parkside Cottage

Client Project: Elegant Traditional Home

Fall Parade Home: Modern Farmhouse

Project Feature: Sunny Traditional