Spring Planting: Trees from REFINED


Spring has finally arrived in the Twin Cities, and we couldn't be more excited! Besides our eagerness to get back outside to enjoy the warm sun and fresh air, we've been impatiently awaiting spring because it means it's time to plant some trees.

A few months ago, we introduced you to our new community tree planting program, Trees from REFINED. Alongside our partner at Southview Design, our mission is to create a thriving network of donated and planted trees in our community. We want to give back to our community and help sustain the Twin Cities' beautiful natural tree canopy for years to come.

This year, we're giving away and planting 100 new trees together in the Edina community. Our only major roadblock? The longest winter in recent memory has continually pushed back our planting schedule! (Seriously, April blizzards? C'mon, mother nature!)

Now that the snow is all nearly melted, it's go-time at long last, and we're ready to plant some trees! If you live in Edina, look for the Southview crew out planting in your neighborhood soon. And don't forget to follow us on social media to get updates along the way.

Lastly, if you're only hearing about this program now and want to learn more, please visit the Trees from REFINED page for more information. You can also sign-up on our waitlist and be the first to get details about next year's new trees.