Trees From Refined: Planting Time!


We've been waiting and watching; spring is in the air, and it's time to get our hands in some dirt! This past Monday, in partnership with Southview Design, our crew began planting 100 new trees in Edina.

After launching our community tree planting program, Trees from REFINED, this past year, we're elated to see our plans come to fruition. We hope to admire many beautiful, growing trees for years to come!

From the start, our mission was to give back to our neighborhood and sustain our community's natural canopy for coming generations. Want to learn more about our program or sign-up for a future tree? Visit our Trees from REFINED home base.

Amidst the busyness of planting, we did manage to snap a few pictures of everyone hard at work. Scroll below to see more of what we've been up to!
